A beautiful highway Christmas Tree.

You might remember I took a photo of this decorated tree a few years ago. It did look quit different then. The median where it lives, in the middle of the highway, suffered a brush fire last year and we feared that the old tree might have been destroyed. The firefighters, certainly familiar with the terrain, must have known that this was an important tree to save. As you can see, there are few and far between. It is located on a little hill so it is easy to see from either direction. It looks like it will survive but kind of looks dried out and tired.
The highway traffic runs pretty fast, mainly I think, because I-17 is pretty much the main highway running North and South between Phoenix and Flagstaff. Whenever there is a fire or an accident you may wind up sitting and waiting for hours. Everybody wants to get to their destination in a hurry, just in case. There has been talk, for years, about widening some areas on both the North bound and Southbound lanes - but nothing has been done so far. I mention this because, just to sound dramatic about it, it was a bit scary slowing down to pull off the road and wait until cars and trucks passed by to take the picture. I just had to do it. I still think about the crazy fools who decorate this tree, year after year. If they can do it, well, it's certainly worth it to take it's picture.
You may have noticed in E-mails or in the Blog posts that we moved Armadilla to a new location last fall. It was certainly a daunting undertaking but we are glad to be in our new space - well suited to AWW and we are happy that the location is easier for folks to find us. Thanks to everybody who has stopped in to shop and offer best wishes. Especially nice during the holiday season.