About Us - To everything, there is a season.

  Have you been thinking about opening your own candle store? We will train candle making. This store is in a great location. The candle shop is an amazing space with highway visibility and might be just what you've been looking for. It's time to retire so we are looking for someone will take over the business. Because the store is focused on hand made candles, made on site, it could also include additional curated handcrafted works - just a thought. Let us know your thoughts. We'd love to meet entrepreneurs with great ideas about our store and available space. No phone calls please. Send an email through  sales@armadillawax.com   Thanks!

  Why ArmadillA and not ArmadillO!

The first thing people often ask us is about the name. You'll notice that we misspelled armadillo by changing the "o" to an "a". One of the original members lived for a time in Texas and it seemed appropriate to use the Texas pronunciation. We still have a connection to Texas in that three of our beautiful Granddaughters were born in Texas.

    All of our candles are made in Prescott, Arizona. The  candles you see on our web site are the result of the evolution of design ideas, molds and techniques. Just so you know, all of our designs are original and many of our candles are poured in molds that we have made.



Everybody has a philosophy about their work - about life...it often seems that it just comes down to something as simple as "focus and simplify". Our goal has always been to make the best candles so that they will burn clean and burn as long as possible. We use carefully chosen and tested fragrances and waxes.

This is us - photo taken just a few years ago. "It's only a paper moon" set was in San Diego. 

Does anyone need an excellent wick waxing machine? a votive wick tabbing machine?  we have a multi-head wax dispenser - also for sale.     Please contact us!



 We sincerely appreciate your interest in our company and believe it is an honor to have our candles selected for a wedding or given as gifts. 

Armadilla Wax Works
Established in Arizona in 1971
2225 E. State Route 69, Prescott, AZ 86301
Thanks for shopping with small local companies wherever you may live - on behalf of all small business owners ~ we thank you!